Tuesday, February 26, 2013

And we'll all float on, ok.

Last night I had my first isolation tank experience. If you're not familiar, Wikipedia is your friend.

Essentially, you lay in a light and sound proof tank filled with about 10" of body temperature water that is extremely dense due to about 600 pounds of Epsom salt that is added, this in turn allows you to float without touching the bottom of the tank. The result is an environment where your body is deprived of its senses. You can't feel the water around you, you can't hear anything except your heart beat and you can't see anything besides what your mind creates.

Your body (and therefore your mind) is constantly being barraged with stimulus all day, every day. Even in a quiet, dark room while meditating you hear your furnace running, or birds, you see some light, you feel your chair, or a breeze, and this is our normal attainable minimum. To place yourself in a situation where you have almost zero stimuli being subjected to your body, your mind becomes free to not focus on anything but itself.

The tank I went to was in the furnished basement of a couples home in Manassas, VA. The husband and main proprietor owns three tanks with the intent to purchase a fourth in order to open the only float tank center in the DC/Baltimore area, hopefully including in-house acupuncture, reiki, and/or massage. The couple was very welcoming and I felt super comfortable in their home and in the tank room. Once I arrived we talked for about 15 minutes about the tank, experiences, what to expect and what a person can gain from floating. He was very grounded and professional, but we also spoke about meta-physical possibilities and other psychedelic topics you wouldn't think an Olympic-level pistol shooter from Texas would be interested in.

After showering, I entered the tank, closed the door behind me and laid down. Immediately I noticed the intense darkness and lack of sound with the exception of the slight sloshing of water. Just as quickly the thick water settled and I began to relax. I floated with my arms at my side, with not a single part of my body touching anything else. After about five minutes I began to feel an odd tilting and twisting of my body, as if I were slowly spinning in empty space. I'm guessing this was my brain trying to adjust to what it perceived as a lack of gravity, or any sort of spacial recognition whatsoever. Remember, your brain usually has multiple factors and input to help it gauge where it is in relative space. My brain was essentially saying "...woah."

10 minutes in is when I realized that I could no longer feel the water around me. The point where my skin ended and the water began vanished and I truly felt like I was suspended in an empty void. Fascinating. If I moved slightly (which I did VERY minimally) I could sense the water move, but not really feel it move. I was still aware that I was in the tank, but this notion would slowly begin to fade.

After about 40 minutes is when I became aware that my brain waves transitioned from beta to theta. Basically, my brain was asleep. I'm not talking about day dreaming, or zoning out, but asleep. But I was awake; fully conscious. You might not really see a difference between the two, but once you have the experience it'll make sense. It's impossible to pinpoint when this transition occurred, so my timeline is totally estimated. I had a few dreams, only one of which I can remember, where I witnessed the arrest of a French revolutionist in the late 1700's. Sure, whatever. It was during this period that I mostly forgot that I was in the tank. I existed more as just a thought than a physical body. Not quite an out-of-body experience, but close enough.

I was in the tank for a total of an 90 minutes, but it seemed more like 45. While in the theta state I totally lost track of time, but still exited the tank 10 minutes before my time was up. Interesting how the brain seems to have an internal clock.

Afterward I showered, dressed and went upstairs to chat for a while. I felt drunk. I was slurring my words, losing my train of thought and felt loose overall. Both my body and mind felt like it went through a massage. After the hour and a half drive home my legs still felt weak like Jello. My mind was extremely relaxed. Even the next day the same sense of calm is still apparent.

At the least I was expecting a relaxing time, akin to chilling in a pool and this trip definitely exceeded that. I can attest that even after one float it definitely lowers anxiety and stress, increases mental potential, self awareness and your overall well-being. I was hoping for a more psychedelic experience in conjunction with all that, but for my first float, I am extremely satisfied.You can't hope to become an Olympic diver by jumping off the spring board only once.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I'm sick of it. Just, fucking sick of it.

I can't handle society anymore.

I went to court today to defend myself against what I knew to be two unjust tickets. A PG County officer, as admitted to the judge today, pulled me over because "it looked like" I was speeding. He ran my plates AFTER pulling me over for a bullshit reason and found that I was driving on a suspended registration. Here's a $150 fine. Why was I driving on a suspended registration? Because I failed to get my emissions test. Why? Because I moved twice and my MVA emissions notice was never forwarded to me. Oh, you didn't tell the MVA you moved? Here's another $50 fine. Seriously, all the officer had to do was tell me to fix these errors and no harm done.

But fuck all that. It doesn't matter.

What matters is that an officer pulled me over on a hunch. A guess. That's what's called in legal terms "unreasonable suspicion" or, "illegal". 

It's equatable to a cop seeing a skeevy looking dude, grabbing him, looking into his pockets and finding marijuana and saying "A-HA! You're under arrest!" In order to seize a person or their belongings, an officer must have a "reasonable suspicion" that a crime is taking place, e.g., the cop has arrested this man many times before for drug possession and witnesses him walking away from a drug dealer, or in my case, have more reasonable evidence that I was speeding other than it "looked like" I was. A radar gun would work, or pacing my vehicle, or witnessing me traveling faster than the rest of traffic, or seeing a speed camera flash, etc... 

Anyway, in both my and the skeevy joint guy's situation, any evidence found after the fact is inadmissible in court. Due process must be followed. This is how murders get off after they're found holding a bloody knife over the victim. It's because some officer didn't follow due process and forgot to read him his rights or whatever. You find someone committing a crime THEN you stop them. You don't stop them THEN find out the crime. 

When I told the judge this today his response was, basically, "Well, the officer ran your plates and found you driving on a suspended licence. That makes pulling you over okay. If he would not have found anything, then I'd agree with you."


Who the hell are you? Who taught you to be a judge? 

This guy?

Or did you watch too much of this?

Either way, you're a fucking moron. 

I can't handle judges siding with police and milking me out of money when I made the effort to take off work, wear a suit and defend what was obviously an illegal stop.

You can't fucking pull people over just because. You can't. Well, officer Italiano DOES. What's with that name anyway? Italiano. It's actually fitting because it was obvious that 'ol tubbs enjoys his pasta. The only criminal he'd actually run to catch is the Hamburglar. 

But fuck all that. It doesn't matter.

What matters is that I can't handle society anymore.  

Fucking tolls.
Fucking inspections.
Fucking permits.
Fucking service charges.
Fucking corporations.
Fucking fines.
Fucking dues.
Fucking regulations.
Fucking policies.
Fucking insurance.
Fucking interest.
Fucking taxes.
Fucking registration.
Fucking licenses.
Fucking overdraft fees.
Fucking 9/10th's at a gas station.
Fucking deductibles. 
Fucking entrance fees.
Fucking ATM fees.
Fucking convenience fees.

Point is, I can't wait to put so much distance between me and the rest of the world. I don't want an address. I don't want mail. I don't want bills. I don't want the government up my ass about everything I do on my own land. If I want to build a house I'm going to do it and I'm not going to get anyone's fucking permission.

I understand that without going totally grizzly you have to stay connected somewhat, and that's fine, but I plan on keeping it to an absolute minimum. I'm just sick of how much the government and businesses are over your shoulder and in your pocket. 

But fuck all that. It doesn't matter.

Just leave me the fuck alone. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Burned out house on Arden Noville Rd.

 The iPhone can take some pretty great pictures when the light is perfect. No filters needed to hide the poor image quality. I love the sharpness of this one.

A creepy mattress in the attic is better than a creepy mattress in a basement.

Martinsburg photographs

Monday, February 28, 2011

Martinsburg photographs, late February

 It seems as though every single person in Martinsburg has one of these in their front yard.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Martinsburg photographs

Since I'll be living in Martinsburg for a while I might as well try and find some shit that looks cool and take a picture of it. When I do, I'll post it on here.