Thursday, May 27, 2010

Disney and shitty comedy

This is going to be an odd one. An interesting mix of something weird I really, really enjoy and something weird I really, really hate. You could say I should have titled this 'The good, the bad, and the (insert pun here)' but I don't have (insert word I inserted for pun here) to complain about and I'm pretty sure someone else since 1966 has already played off that movie title.

I'm pretty sure Laura is the only person who is aware of this but I love animated Disney musicals. I'm talking Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid and of course, Aladdin.

These movies are the shit and I don't care who knows it. It doesn't get any better than belting out "Les Poissons" from The Little Mermaid.

See for yourself.

Hee hee hee, haw haw haw!

That's fucking hilarious. Not only is the song catchy and clever as hell but just great comedy. But the best thing is that they're fun. Here's another one of my favorites. Again, the song is very well written and of course, funny. There's not much more to it than that. It's very simple and perhaps that's what makes this shit so funny to me.

Speaking of 'simple', 'shit' and (the lack of) 'funny', this brings me to my next issue.

Maria Bramford.

You fucking unfunny bitch. I hate you.

I hope you Google your own name and find this. I know you will because at some point you'll forget to take your anti-depressants and you'll be so hungry for attention you'll scour the internet to find people talking about you.

Angry? Yes I am. Why? Because she's a comedian that is not funny. I've seen a lot of comedians that weren't funny and I don't hate them. In fact, she's so not funny that it makes me angry listening to her try to be funny.

My evidence:

I got to 1:17 before I passed out.

But wait, there's more!

Oh Maria! You're so kooky!!!

No, you're embarrassing.

Now, please notice that I'm not cherry picking any of these clips. They're all this awful. If she gets a half-hour stand up slot she spends 29 minutes of that talking in kooky voices and making sounds with her nose. I first became aware of her when I watched the Comedians of Comedy DVD starring Patton Oswalt (awesome!), Zach Galifianakis (awesome!), Brian Posehn (awesome!) and Maria Bramford (huh?). Adding her to the bill is something I will never understand. I'd rather not think about it. She is honestly the worst comedian I have ever seen.

What prompted me to complain about her is yesterday I listened to her and Aziz Ansari on the Doug Loves the Movies podcast and she spent the entire time talking in her kooky voice and being awkwardly unfunny. I couldn't believe that even in a situation where she just has to sit there and chat she couldn't behave normally.

It's a shame I spent more time bitching about Maria Bramford than touting the joys of Disney movies but seriously...

Just quit already.