Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bitch fest 2008?

Apparently this blog is geared more towards bitching about things than food. Thou shalt not worry. In the meantime, I've been preparing a mental rolodex of some amazing foods and restaurants that will hopefully blow your minds as well.

But back to the real business at hand...what the fuck is with these traffic cops? These people are getting paid $30,000 a year to stand there and tell me what an inanimate traffic light already does?

Oh! It's a red light! I didn't know what that means but I'm glad you stepped out into traffic to let me know to stop, or else I might've plowed right across that stroller and into that bus. Oh! It's a green light! That means I can go, thanks alot officer. Boy howdy, you do a mighty good job, sir! Nice whistle!

Fuck all yalls. I don't need your little white gloves all up in my shit, bossing me around.

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